We all know that publishers and literary agents take a step back this time of year. Their desks and inboxes are filled to the MAX! They need time to close out 2021 and recuperate before the New Year. But, just because they aren’t on the hunt for the next big thing, doesn’t mean YOU have to slow down.

There are plenty of ways to satiate your writing urges over the next few months.
Complete an unfinished #WIP
EDIT! For tips, view my post Editing, Editing and more Editing!
Start a brand new project
Join a writing group
Offer yourself as a Beta-Reader
Work on perfecting your Query Letter, if you get stuck visit the Queery Helpline.
Not so obvious…
Enter Writing Contests like those found on Globe Soup
Besides the Query, begin working on your: one-liner, synopsis, elevator pitch, author bio and comps list
Research publisher and agent's and what they are into #MSWL
Start an Author Blog to showcase your work
When in doubt, take a break. Sometimes taking a step back for a few weeks from our characters can help provide perspective-- you’ll look at your work with fresh eyes, you’ll see the plot holes and you’ll find the spots you switched tenses.
Lastly, I suggest you pick up a few books in your genre from your local library or favorite bookstore and READ. Hunker down when the nights are long and the air is crisp. Let yourself fall into a new magical world or pump up your heart with the latest thriller.
But, whatever you do this winter, remember-- writing is your gift to the world! Pen your words proudly.
S.E. Reed